We did it, we actually got away for a 3-day break to the "Sunshine" Coast, and I am sitting at my desk pretending that I am still not really returned, and therefore do not have to return calls just yet. The photos I took are part of my slideshow on the sidebar to the right- it was equally awesome and frustrating to pick up my beloved Digital Rebel again after a long hiatus. Awesome, because when you get a great shot, it really is a great shot: crisply focused, taken at the exact moment you wanted to capture and not, like, 2 seconds after, like on our crappy little HP digital. Frustrating, because the LCD screen is so small, sometimes you think you have the perfect shot and it's not until afterwards that you realize it was actually blurry. I made friends with my 50mm lens, which I'd always shunned before, and to be honest, I barely missed the zoom lenses I usually carry. But given my blurry-to-crisp ratio, I obviously need to get more practice in. I was that annoying person who dogs everyone at parties, snapping away. But since I hate to use a flash, it wasn't all that noticeable, and I'm realizing that if you just keep snapping away without drawing attention to yourself, people sort of forget you're taking pictures, which leads to some honest and un-"posed" shots.
Oh, and we had a sort of sugar and alcohol and carb binge that definitely lead to my pants feeling tighter today than they did last Thursday. It's really scary how fast you can fall off the wagon, and even scarier how quickly your failures can show up on your hips! Lesson learned. On the plus side, however, I went for two great runs, so all was not totally lost...
1 comment:
Great photos AJ!
Makes me want to get a better camera...
Thanks for posting them...
( Nice to see the Sunshine Coast gang and some "Flying folk" too...I miss seeing all you folks!)
:) JB
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