So yesterday was the first ever Axis Theatre Gingerbread House Build-Off at my mom's place. The cast of "The Emperor's New Threads" worked hard to create these G-bread masterpieces, which my mom had provided the raw materials for: homemade gingerbread slabs, melted chocolate for "mortar", icing sugar for "snow" M&Ms and jelly beans and candy canes for detailing. (Note to readers: not only is my mom the coolest mom ever but she is probably the only stage manager you will ever want to have, especially if you like parties.)

Josue went for the trad approach, Tanya's was a bit like an ancient Greek monument, and Stephano created a lovely villa, complete with wall and garden. A good time was had by all, and as the fabulous Mme. Anderson has written another TYA show, we all may have more work next year- here's hoping! After trying our hardest not to gorge
too much on treats like Brie, hommous, shortbread, pizza and chicken drumsticks, J & I went off down the road to dinner with Galia & Terence and stuffed more food into ourselves- I love this time of year! G& T gave us some lovely baked treats for a present (see the title of today's post for details). Aw, now I've made myself hungry!
I have to reiterate how grateful I am to who-/whatever gave me the perfect family and in-laws who don't drive me crazy, although they're best in small doses. This year, to dilute them, my mom will actually be hosting our Christmas Eve party with J's folks, bless her. After many years of study I have decided that the reason my mom gives such good party is that:
- she is warm & welcoming
- she never sweats the small stuff
- she always plays great background music
- her cooking is without peer
- she genuinely enjoys having people over
This year I will be flying up to Kelowna to see Dad & June close to New Year's eve and staying for a few days. This involves a little sacrifice on my part since my father and stepmom are seldom awake after 10pm and so are not exactly the ideal people to be seeing in the new year with. But as long as they have some booze in the house the dogs & I can take care of ourselves thankyouverymuch.
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