My mother had a friend who, although she was in many ways a kook, was a master of simple living. She had various kids & grandkids, and a messy, complicated life, but you could have had a Zen retreat in her apartment, it was that spartan. I aspire to that, but I find it really hard to let go of things. Part of me would really like to be The Girl Who Had Only One Pair Of Jeans And A Simple But Classic Silver Necklace That She Wore Everywhere, but I love my clothes!
What brought this cleaning binge on was a full-on shop-a-thon my mom & I had yesterday- a little early-birthday fun at Park Royal. I got a simple but lovely Timex watch (takes a lickin' & keeps on tickin'), some mad sexy pointy red ankle boots that look killer under a tight pair o' jeans, and some assorted tops. So to assuage my guilt at so much consumption, I had to redress the balance by getting rid of some old stuff. It's a start.
Jon & I are both tired and lacklustre today- neither of us could sleep so we tossed restlessly like landed fish most of last night. After feeling amazing almost all summer I think a cold is coming on. I miss my long walks with Lotte and I have that late-summer gloom; although the weather has taken a turn for the better again, I know that Fall is coming. My birthday is always tinged with that melancholy, even when the weather is still hot & bright. This will be my Jesus year: 33 years young. What will 33 bring?
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