Just got back from Whistler, where J & I spent my birthday. We only had 24 hours, but I think we packed a lot in...
There was a condo, which we got for nothing, thanks to some old family friends.
There was walking through the upper & lower villages, and re-acquainting ourselves with the town where we spent most of last summer.
There was ecstatic swimming in Lost Lake, which was my fave spot to hang out last summer, and which was just as refreshing as I remembered.
There was lots of playing with my new tripod and lens filters, courtesy of J.
There was a delicious birthday dinner and drinks, and running into a highschool friend that I'd graduated with many years ago.
There was a movie, The Nanny Diaries, which we watched at the tiny cute Whistler multiplex with a bottle of Bailey's, and left before it was done, slipping out for...
Post-movie drinks at Longhorn's and The Garibaldi Lift Co, wandering through the pitch-black park where we'd done our play last summer and even a lumbering bear shape ambling over a bridge and, luckily, away from us to the closest trash can while we beat a strategic retreat about 20 feet away. It's just not Whistler without bears.
This morning we stopped for breakfast at the cafe in Alpine Meadows where we'd spent many a happy day last summer as it was near where we lived- and the guy at the grocery store recognized Jon! That was both lovely and sad, as it brought home to me that this was not our home anymore, and we were only passing through. But what a great visit! And what a perfect way to turn thirty-three, in this amazingly beautiful part of the world.