Saturday, April 21, 2007


That's what I've been doing since we opened WAITT- pottering. Working from 6-10pm certainly leaves a lot of time to fill, and like many people, I only work hard when I'm under pressure. So I've been listening to a lot of music, sleeping in, cooking, exercising, reading. NOT a lot of practicing, songwriting, job-hunting... I haven't seen a lot of people, except at work, and I'm kinda happy living life in slow gear for a while, having time to do exactly what I want, even if it's a little dull at times. I know that soon I'll be hard at work in Enderby, so it feels ok.
I'll be sad to finish work on the shadow play, although it's certainly a gong show at times! The shows have been pretty hectic, with lots of small, odd things happening every night to keep things interesting. A show this size, with no professional actors- makes sense to me that it's never going to totally work. I try to keep positive and roll with things, even when people are being high-strung and high-maintainance. Had a calming tea-break onstage before last night's show with Tamara & Sharon, who are the 2 design divas who built the majority of the sets, masks and props we're using. Getting to know them has been a highlight, as well as staying on good terms with all the shadow-casters I work with behind the screen- I'll miss most of them, but I'll be totally ready to work with a very small (3 actors), VERY professional group in Enderby. Soon.

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