Looking across the city from our balcony I can actually see blue skies! So exciting after days of greyness and pouring rain. Today I was crossing Commercial Drive thinking 'I'd so much rather be ANYWHERE than here'...but Vancouver always knows when to reel me back with glimpses of blue skies and sunshine when I'm getting claustrophobic from those low-hanging rain clouds.
Some very exciting news- JT got a brand-new HD camera! Thanks to his dad, he is the proud new owner of a Canon XHA1. (Frank bought it, and Jon is going to pay him back, rather than have to pay high interest.) So I've lost him to a (very thick and complex) manual for the evening. But I don't care- it's a dream come true for him. Maybe he can get enough jobs as a cameraman and editor to keep him away from the warehouse...
In other, less-exciting-unless-you're-me news, I joined a website called Sparkpeople, which has all kinds of resources dedicated to helping people maintain a healthy lifestyle. So I'm spending ages every day entering in what I eat and how much I'm exercising! It'll get easier and faster as I get used to navigating the site- it's rather time-consuming right now, but I think it will help me lose a few pounds and that would be wonderful. We'll see how it goes...
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